Beachshoots of 2023
Summer is sadly over but that gives me a good opportunity to look back at the beachshoots of 2023.
There is nothing I love more than sunsets at the beach. The colours, the nature, it’s just a perfect combination that always makes me feel happy and alive. With autumn kicking in, the time (unfortunately) has arrived where “beach shoot season” comes to an end. That’s why in this blog post I wanted to reflect on my experiences and take you on a journey through the work I’ve created this summer.
Shoot 1: Charlotte Molleman
Charlotte is one of the models I just love working with, she is so in line with the type of photography that I love to create. But beyond that, she trust me completely and handles situations like a pro and that is exactly what happened on this shoot.
It was an early sunny spring day, but a little too cold to actually shoot at the beach. Nevertheless, we were both very exited to try out some content there. We had a “just do it” attitude, so we just went for it and created some amazing portraits together!

Shoot 2: Febe Defruyt
I stumbled upon Febe her Instagram and just knew she would be amazing to shoot with. When I wrote her a little DM she told me that she had never done that before, but she was willing to try.
We met at Cadzand and the vibes were amazing from the start. She followed my guidance perfectly and we both are super happy with the results. It’s cool to see someone totally crushing it on their first photoshoot. I’m pretty sure we will see more shoots that involve Febe in the future, she’s a really talented model!

Shoot 3: Sascha Dupont
Talking about good vibes, what a joy Sascha is. There are some people that will become my friends, simply from exploring this hobby together and Sascha is definitely one of them. Right from the start she gave me the most amazing positive energy you can imagine. It was also the first time we collaborated together, but it will definitely not be the last. Her vibrant energy, combined with her amazing looks work perfectly for this theme. A true blessing! I almost felt like I was shooting an Australian beach model who happened to speak Dutch.

Shoot 4: Hawaii
If there is one place famous for beaches, it must be Hawaii. I had the pleasure of discovering the island together with my travel buddy. I didn’t have models available, of course, so I had to rely on the strangers I met. Fortunately besides beaches, it’s also flooded with photogenic people. Here is a small recap of all the people I met that let me take their photo.

Shoot 5: Kirsten Claeys
The last beach shoot of 2023 was with fan favourite Kirsten. We been wanting to do this type of shoot together for ages, and when Belgium finally had one more week of extremely good weather, I knew the time had come to execute on the idea.
Shooting with Kirsten always is a blessing. Like Charlotte, she is extremely in line with the type of photography I want to create. I just always love the shots we take together!

That’s it for 2023! I’ll be back at the ocean in 2024.
To be continued…
De 5 beste portretfotografen van Vlaanderen
Op zoek naar een goede fotograaf voor je (portret)foto’s, dan is deze lijst zeker voor jou! Ontdek 5 fotografen die ik persoonlijk ken en weet dat ze schitterend werk zullen leveren!
Op zoek naar een geweldige fotograaf om mooie foto’s van jezelf of je vrienden te verkrijgen? Ik stelde een lijstje op van 5 fotografen die ik zelf ken en weet dat ze prachtig werk leveren, je zoektocht is dus over!
Jorim Delaere (@jorimdelaereportraits)
Shameless selfpromo, maar waar kom je in het leven zonder in jezelf te geloven. Is een aangename sfeer met wat leuke babbels en grapjes, maar vooral veel mooie foto’s iets voor jou, dan ben ik de fotograaf die je zoekt.
Regio: Gent
2. Gaelle Lewyllie (@gaellewyphotography)
Als ik een iemand evenveel vertrouw voor een portretshoot als mezelf, dan is het deze bossgirl. Doordat we op hetzelfde moment zijn gestart hebben we elkaar zien groeien en evolueren als fotograaf. Wil je een BOSS foto, dan ben je zeker bij haar aan het juiste adres. Ook voor de tofste studio of fashionshots kan je steeds bij haar terecht.
Regio: Brugge
3. Gilles Claes (@zetapictures)
Een van de fotografen waar ik naar op keek toen ik startte, heeft ondertussen zijn eigen bedrijf. Toch maakt hij ook nog steeds portretfoto’s die keer op keer top zijn.
Regio: Antwerpen / Oost-Vlaanderen
4. Anaïs Vanneste (@anagraphy_av)
De tweede grappigste fotograaf van Belgïe! Je zal instant verliefd worden op haar energie. Ze is de Queen van “The golden hours”, dus boek haar zeker eens op sunset, maar ook tijdens de dag kan ze schitterende foto’s maken.
Regio: West-Vlaanderen
5. Dirk Christiaens (
Wou je al altijd eens prachtige boudoirfoto’s van jezelf, dan kan ik je niemand beter dan Dirk aanraden. Samen met zijn vrouw zal hij zorgen voor een aangename sfeer (dikwijls met wijntje en cava, altijd met hapjes) waarin je de meest prachtige foto’s zal maken samen.
Regio: Brussel
How to invite a stranger for a photoshoot
Sometimes you are in a beautiful location as a photographer without any models. What is the best way to approach a beautiful stranger you see, so you can ask them on a mini photoshoot. Read this blog and you will discover all my tips and tricks!
I saw her while walking to one of the hotspots in Firenze and totally loved the outfit she was wearing. I had the courage to walk up and snap this beautiful picture.
If you follow any of my channels then you know I love travelling and taking pictures of beautiful people. One challenge I face while abroad is that I usually don’t have direct access to my network of models, so I often have to rely on strangers I meet wherever I go.
In the beginning it was very difficult for me to approach them, as I was a little shy and scared sometimes, and I didn’t know what to say or do. But as my confidence grew, I figured out an easy and effective 4-step process that consistently allows me to invite any stranger I meet for a photoshoot.
So if you’re like me, and you’d like to learn what is the best and most successful way to approach a beautiful stranger anywhere, then make sure to continue reading.
And yes, you can also use this in your hometown!
Step 1: Be comfortable with yourself
Easy to write, a lot harder to accomplish. However this step is of crucial importance in successfully approaching strangers.
You see, when you talk to someone, a lot of your energy gets transmitted. If you are nervous, or you think it’s weird to talk to them, they will feel the same way. If you feel calm and relaxed, they will be more open to you.
So accept and embrace that it is a normal thing to do. It also helps to realise you are giving them something valuable (a stunning picture, a cool memory, the indirect compliment that you find them attractive/interesting to capture).
If you notice you still feel nervous, don’t be afraid to call it out. This often times helps a lot. ("Hey, I actually feel a bit nervous doing this, but I’m a photographer and I loved your look, so would you be interested in doing a quick photoshoot together?")
Step 2: Know that getting a “no” is a valid answer
Not everyone loves being in front of a camera or is feeling in the mood for having their picture taken at that moment, and that is perfectly fine. I’ve received a lot of no’s asking people out and that’s totally okay. Always stay polite and don’t let it affect your mood.
Step 3: Be clear about your goal
This lovely couple was taking pictures of each other in this stunning location. That’s always a good sign of people that would be open to a small free photoshoot.
Nothing is worse than not knowing why a random stranger started talking to you in a public space. People are not used to being approached in public, so make it very clear from the start why you’re talking to them.
I explain my goal usually within the first three sentences of talking to them.
My conversation usually starts like this:
(Do something to get their attention first, a little wave, saying hi, etc)
Me: Hey, do you speak English?
They: Yes! (in a perfect world at least)
Me: I’m a photographer from Belgium, and I make tiktoks/reels where I ask strangers on a mini photoshoot. I really loved your *style/look/whatever made me approach them*. Would you find it fun to be in one of them?
They: Hell yeah, I was born to do this! (Again, in a perfect world)
Step 4: Explain why you picked them
As you can see in the previous conversation, I mention why I approached them very early on. It gives them an extra reason to trust you and feel open to the invitation.
After they agreed, you can proceed to do your shoot and enjoy meeting, connecting and creating with all these wonderful new people in your life!
Extra tips:
Some people are easier to get a yes from, so be aware of the people around you:
- If people are already taking cute photo’s, the chances are high that they will be happy to pose for you.
- If people are walking really fast and focused to a place, chances might be lower.
Have your profile ready:
When you have a good profile, don’t be afraid to use it to your advantage. When you explain that you are a photographer, you can show your feed so they know you are legit. This often times helps them to beat their last doubts.
People you meet in person are often the most loyal followers, so do exchange contacts. It’s also the easiest way to send them the finished photos afterwards.
But most importantly: be kind, be playful and have fun together!
I lately started making tiktoks and reels of shooting strangers. You can see the full approach and shoot of this picture on my instagram!
Happy Easter
Resultaten van mijn Paasshoot met Manon Haesebroeck
Het leven hoeft niet altijd serieus te zijn. Samen met Manon wou ik een leuke Paasshoot doen.
Wat heb je daar voor nodig? Wel een tof outfitje en veeeeeel chocolade eitjes.
Voor Instagram en Tiktok maakten we hiervan een toffe video, dus check die ook zeker eens uit.
Maar geniet hier ook van de resultaatjes.
Verlovingswandeling in Gent
Om hun verloving op beeld te zetten, vroegen Mathieu en Nele of ik enkele toffe beelden van hun kon nemen in Gent. Veel meer om mij te overtuigen heb je niet nodig. Ik vertelde hun om kleren te kiezen die matchen en de locaties aan mij over te laten.
Een van de voordelen om te wonen in de stad, is dat je de unieke plaatsjes weet te vinden.
De shoot zelf bestond uit verschillende delen. Een paar toffe foto’s als koppel, nog niet echt gefocust op de verloving zelf, en dan enkele die focussen op de ring om de shoot mee af te sluiten.
Natuurlijk doen we ook een toffe tussenstop om een heerlijke koffie te drinken. Het voordeel aan de tijd te nemen voor een fotoshoot is dat je de tijd kan nemen om met elkaar te praten en te leren kennen. Zo kan je tijdens een gesprekje ook beter ontdekken welke type foto’s het koppel echt wil.
En natuurlijk de voldoening om mooie momenten te kunnen vastleggen. Dat is een van de wonderen van fotografie. Je legt beelden vast die voor eeuwig bestaan. Die altijd een moment in mensen hun leven weergeven. Ik ben heel trots dat ik van dit moment mocht deel uitmaken.
Ook interesse om mooie momenten met je partner in te boeken, wees dan zeker niet bang om mij in te huren.